May 10, 2011

Want to know a secret?

The ending of Pirate Radio makes me sob like a baby. Every. Damn. Time. When they see the boats coming I just lose it.

In other news, we visited the private collection at the gap headquarters which was...not exactly my aesthetic. But S.F with the tribe was a good time and we kicked it at the little dive on the Embarcadero. Naturally it called for some hipstermatic to capture the moment.

 ah. douche boner.
 the only art piece that we could photograph in the gap hq: the charlie brown by Richard Serra

 Noming at the Red Java

 cruising the streets

 Golden Gate

 bye sf.

 Some intaglio for regurgitating reinventing the landscape.

Test prints for new piece

All together now!

Alrighty. thats it for now.

1 comment:

Kerri said...

Oh hai. I own that crocodile print. It's on my wall. Feel special??